Get data with ease
Use charts and API formats to power your app and drive growth, saving 10x resources with Sentio SDK..
Analytics view
Typesafe SDK
Generate typings based on the ABI
Developer first
Collect and transform the data with complete control
Get started in minutes with our intuitive UI
easy-to-use SDK
Easy-to-use SDK
Gives you full control over what data shall be collected on-chain and how, with native support of events, transactions, traces and states, at a lightning-fast speed at scale.
Get Started
"Thanks to Sentio's cutting-edge technology, the processor empowers us with efficiency and productivity while also enabling seamless integration of custom tools like our Scallop SDK."
Senior backend developer, Scallop
Powerful dashboards
Powerful dashboards
Build low-code, real-time dashboards in seconds with powerful transformation and aggregation functions. Visualize metrics and easily zoom in and out on different timespans.
Get Started
Jump Crypto
"Sentio's blazing-fast data indexing, clear visualizations, and more importantly multi-chain data support tracking, quickly helped us understand how assets flow across chains."
Lorenzo Daffina
Strategic Partnerships of Jump Crypto
User behavior analytics
User behavior analytics
Crypto native retention and cohort analysis, fully built on top of on-chain data. Get the insights you need to take action and drive growth.
Get Started
"Thala leverages Sentio to index our protocols, fueling our dapp with real-time, aggregated data such as TVL, volumes, daily active wallets, and more. This powerful yet intuitive suite of tools enables us to deeply understand protocol behavior and make informed, data-driven decisions."
Developer, Thala
Time to upgrade to better dev tooling.
Less time vs. building indexer
Less time in writing data collection scripts
Less time managing databases